Monday, February 13, 2023

New Beginnings

              Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and so is everything else.

Hello, welcome to New Beginnings. 
I have great plans for this blog, I hope to bring a motivational and inspirational voice, in a world of great confusion and upset. A time when everything outside of us is yelling so loud to be afraid, so much so that we cannot hear our own inner voice, or truly know what's going on inside of ourselves. We find ourselves reacting to the outside world rather than going within where our true answers reside. Living in fear of the future, does not allow us to be in the present focusing on what is needed moment to moment in our daily lives where we absolutely need to be at this time. 

My teaching is all about being within in the moment and embracing your life and the amazing journey of being a spiritual being living in a human experience. Everything I teach comes from my own lessons in life. Issues I have walked through, I have been blessed to find that every time I come through a life lesson, my students appear for me to guide them with the steps I took and the tools I learned along the way. Everything I share is a part of my spiritual journey that guided me through to this moment. I had no idea that it was guided at the time, and so very grateful for the guidance and the understanding I have received from every step. 
I am not here to tell you what to believe or how to live. That is your job to discern. You may take whatever works and include it in your journey, or of it is not for you, leave it here on my post, and find what does. 
My joy in my work, is to empower individuals that are looking for their own personal spiritual connection in their life on their own terms. I love to provide information and the tools for them to build it. 
To tell you a little about myself, I am a California native, I have lived in central California all my life. I am an Intuitive Empath all my life has been geared towards me understanding and mastering, what is   mine and what is not. To understand the gift, it is rather than the curse I believed it was before my spiritual journey. I am Spiritual Minister, Teacher, Channel, Medium, and Healer for over 30 years. I have taught classes in empathy, self-awareness, energy management, psychic development, spiritual awakening, healing and much more. I have been thinking about this blog for a long time. My guide Yaz has been telling me it isn't time yet for about a year. Today she said OK it's time. 


My newest lesson I want to share with you has been long and hard in truly  learning. There are always layers to our life lessons. And this one had many!
Am I sure I have gotten to the core of it? Have I truly learned it? I in this moment know I have a foundation of understanding, however practical living upon this brand new foundation takes time effort and practice. 
My works core, inlists me to come up with options and possibilities. Which often feels like answers to my clients. I don't  have their answers within me. Each individual has everything they need within them. 
With my gifts God gave me, I can feel them, I can feel their possibilities  and the options within them. All I do is verbalize them, and valdate them, the information assist them in releasing what blocks them from acting in their  true nature to acheve their potential, or to choose not to. That decision it theirs and theirs alone.

If I was to use my answers I 
choose in my life, I would be doing them a disservice.  My answers work in my life because they are mine and mine alone. 
I can tell my clients  about a situation I found the answer to for myself, and they may see how we have a simular lesson. They may even see part of themselves within mine by example.  And it is good to be a positive example for others even if it is how not to handle a issue. 
What we have to learn is it is our lesson to be an example for someone  to see themselves through us. For them to  find how they need their lesson to go.  How long they need to take to learn it, and exactly what they need to learn. 
It is not up to anyone to decide how someone learns, or even if they learn at all. Because perhaps that is their lesson. To live a life of not learning and the path that sets before them. 

Please understand, all of our lessons are simple. We make them difficult and painful by not trusting our own God given inner voice or gut instinct. No matter what you call it. That is where your truth resides.  
 Remember I said simple I did not say they were easy. 

I plan to build on this foundation I shared with you today.  My wonderful friend Elaine said that's the crooks of our whole life's lessons. The whole enchilada when I shared this with her. 
She will be eventually join me in this blog, as well as my very special guide Yazminne, because we have tons of information and fun amazing tools to share with you. 
Please stay tuned and be patient we are on a learning curve with the blog and the new lessons we are learning about how to navigate the internet.